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Головна » Статті » England



            Oxford is a noble university. It has a great past. It is at present the greatest university in the world and it has a great future. The beginning of Oxford was probably in the 12th century.

            The University of Oxford is a collection of colleges. Some of these colleges were founded hundreds of years ago. "The University” is only an administrative centre which arranges lectures for all the students of the colleges, holds examinations and gives degrees.

            Every college has students of all kinds, it has its medical students, its engineers, its art students, etc.

            The Tutorial system is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all other English universities. Every student has a tutor who plans his work. Each weak some students come to see him and he discusses with them the work which they have done.

            The academic year in England is divided into 3 terms, which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July. Terminal examinations are held at the end of the autumn, spring and summer terms. Final examinations are taken at the end of the course of studies. British universities keep to the customs of the past. At Oxford University all the students wear long black gowns and "students’ caps”. Without the gown no student is allowed to call on a tutor, to have dinner in the college dining-hall or attend a lecture.

            There are many great names connected with Oxford: Sir Philip Sidney, William Penn (who founded Pennsylvania), Shelley, and Sir Christopher Wren. Christchurch – one of the biggest colleges in Oxford gave England 5 Prime Ministers.

Категорія: England | Додав: toha (07.07.2011)
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