Each day your smile becomes my morning star. I look at you and then my feelings shine. From you I learn far more than words or numbers: You're the book that someday will be mine. You're the one whose love my love of learning Will one day trace in its ancestral line. For all the ways you help me grow towards beauty, I ask you please to be my Valentine.
122.Вова Москаленко(11.02.2011 19:17)
Each Day Your Smile Becomes My Morning Star
Each day your smile becomes my morning star. I look at you and then my feelings shine. From you I learn far more than words or numbers: You're the book that someday will be mine. You're the one whose love my love of learning Will one day trace in its ancestral line. For all the ways you help me grow towards beauty, I ask you please to be my Valentine.
| Місто: Чернігів
123.ОКСАНА(14.02.2011 14:23)
валентинка пожелает счастбя,нежности,друзей! что сердечко загадает- пусть исполнится скорей!
| Місто: чернигов
124.ОКСАНА(14.02.2011 14:27)
прийми мое палке серденько i будем жити щасливенько!
Дуже цікава сторінка ДПА 9 клас ; також захоплююча сторінка "Методична скарбничка" провів один урок за допомогою матеріалів Валентини Висилівни Сущової Бажаю упіхів вашому сайту.
To the Rain Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day, Little Johnny wants to play.
*** Rain, rain, go to Spain, Never show your face again.
*** Rain on the green grass, And rain on the tree, Rain on the house-top, But not on me.
the house-top - крыша
| Місто: Чернігів
131.Мех Віктор(03.03.2011 19:35)
All harmony, all marvel, she, Above the world and passionless: She rests serene shamefastedly In her triumphant loveliness; She looks around her left and right: She has no rival and no peer; The beauties of our pallid sphere Have vanished in her blinding light.
| Місто: Чернігів
132.Мех Віктор(03.03.2011 19:37)
Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war How to divide the conquest of thy sight; Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar, My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.