In this festive autumn time Please accept wishes from us! Let it be health strong like granite, And you live with him at least a hundred years. Let grief bypasses your party And happiness comes and pours the river! Let every day you come to joy, And for a long time wandering around old age, To never be obsolete, A soul become younger
A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.
The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.
What a teacher writes on the blackboard of life can never be erased.
With best wishes to our favourite teachers of school №2.
168.Andrey Andrey(02.10.2011 11:22)
When I looked upon myself What I am today Then I recall the days.. The time when I had lost ways.. The shivering where to go days..
I was just growing up, I was just joining the world, A time when you want do some, Something good but Donno what to become..
I know teachers are there to teach, Yes they were there for every reach.. N there was someone.. He was my mind breacher.. Yes, My that special teacher,
He gave me a brand new start, He guided me through the way.. When I was a nothin but a brat.. I read me inside out.. Tout me which I really ought..
I am thankful to my mentor. the teacher I got.. the changes he brought.. Gave me new life of thought !!
Запрошуємо старшокласників до участі у Всеукраїнському змаганні з європейської інтеграції "Європа Ностра", яке допоможе дізнатись більше про Європу, Європейський Союз, співпрацю між Україною та ЄС і про можливості, які надаються українцям європейськими молодіжними та освітніми програмами.
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| Місто: Донецьк
177.Sergiy(27.11.2011 09:34)
The site is very interesting. Thank both teachers and
students for their inspiration, creativity and talent.
| Місто: Chernigiv
178.Katy(12.12.2012 01:11)
I adored the site greatly, thanks. If only you could post more compositions to flip through