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Головна » Статті » Europe and school

History of the flag

The history of the flag goes back to 1955. At that time, the European Union existed only in the form of the European Coal and Steel Community. But a separate body with a larger membership – the Council of Europe - had been set up several years earlier and was busy defending human rights and promoting European culture.

The Council of Europe was considering what symbol to adopt for its own use. After much discussion, the present design was adopted – a circle of twelve gold stars on a blue background. In various traditions, twelve is a symbolic number representing perfection. It is also, of course, the number of months in a year and the number of hours shown on a clock face. The circle is a symbol of unity. So the European flag was born, representing the ideal of unity among the peoples of Europe.

The Council of Europe then encouraged other European institutions to adopt the same flag and, in 1983, the European Parliament took up the call. Finally, in 1985, the flag was adopted by all EU heads of State and government as the official emblem of the European Union – which, in those days, was called the European Communities.

All European institutions have been using it since the beginning of 1986.The European flag is the only emblem of the European Commission – the EU's executive arm. Other EU institutions and bodies use an emblem of their own in addition to the European flag.


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History of the flag

The history of the flag goes back to 1955. But a separate body with a larger membership – the Council of Europe – had been set up several years earlier and was busy defending human rights and promoting European culture.

The Council of Europe was considering what symbol to adopt for its own use. In various traditions, twelve is a symbolic number representing perfection. The circle is a symbol of unity. So the European flag was born, representing the ideal of unity among the peoples of Europe.

The Council of Europe then encouraged other European institutions to adopt the same flag and, in 1983, the European Parliament took up the call.

All European institutions have been using it since the beginning of 1986. Other EU institutions and bodies use an emblem of their own in addition to the European flag.

Key: 1E, 2A, 3C, 4B, 5D

Категорія: Europe and school | Додав: toha (11.02.2011)
Переглядів: 572 | Коментарі: 1 | Теги: история флага, England, английский флаг, flag, історія прапора, england and school, History of the flag, English flag | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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